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Your frequently asked questions As a Business

If you cannot find your answers below, you can send us a message instead.

Lars and Andreas collectively have over 20 years working in the restaurant industry as a chef and waiter, respectively. This gives us valuable insight into the industry from the inside, which helps us provide the best possible service to our clients in finding their future employees.

We conduct thorough screenings and interviews to assess the skills, experience, and suitability of each candidate before presenting them to you.

We use numerous methods to source our candidates, including posting job positions on social media platforms that have access to a broad reach of potential candidates, reaching out directly to profiles that we find interesting, and receiving unsolicited applications from candidates that are searching for a new role. For those profiles that we would like to find out more about, we invite them to an in-person screening so we can better understand the candidate’s skillset, competencies, and motivations for their new job in order to determine which position we think would be most suitable.

We conduct thorough reference and background checks as part of our screening process to ensure the reliability and suitability of candidates.

Depending on the role and your company’s hiring process, this can range between a couple of days (if we have the right candidate ready for you) and a few weeks to ensure we make the best match possible for the position you are hiring for.

Yes, we can provide temporary staff to help you manage busy periods, special events, or cover for absences.

Absolutely, we have experience in handling bulk recruitment for new openings and can manage the entire process to ensure you have a complete team ready for launch.

We handle all job searches with the highest level of confidentiality. For sensitive positions, we can work discreetly to protect both your business and current employees.

We operate in full compliance with GDPR on data protection and confidentiality. For our privacy policy, please see here.
For more information on our fees and terms of service, please contact us directly using this form.

To ensure that both our client and candidate are satisfied with their new hire and new role, respectively, we will provide further support where needed. We are always there to support you after a hire is made to ensure that the candidate succeeds in their new role.

Your frequently asked questions As a Job seeker

If you cannot find your answers below, you can send us a message instead.

We recruit candidates for a range of different restaurant positions, from chefs to restaurant managers, waiters to bar staff, and place them in canteens, hotels, catering businesses, cafes, and restaurants.

Yes, we offer a range of employment types including full-time, part-time, and temporary positions to suit different needs and preferences.

Our process is straightforward and simple. After receiving and reading through your application, we will invite you to our office for an in-person conversation or online so we can better get to know you and what you are looking for in your new job (it is also possible to take this meeting online if need be). We will then match you to a position that we believe is a great match and present your application to our client. From here, you may be invited for a meeting or trial shift, before being offered the job.

We reach out via telephone and email, and we love meeting our candidates in person in order to get to know them better so we are sure to find the right fit for your next job. We will only contact you a necessary amount in order to ensure the process is moving in the right direction.

Yes. We are here to help all the way. This includes helping you write your resume/CV and preparing you for interviews or meetings with your potential future employer.

Unfortunately no, not until you are in process with interviews/trial shifts. But safe to say we only recruit for those companies that we feel provide excellent working conditions and are responsible employers.

This very much depends on the role and company you are hired to but we aim to secure you a fair salary and working conditions and will help you with these negotiations along the way. We believe that with us representing you, combined with our in-depth knowledge of the market, we can increase the likelihood of securing a higher salary for you. 

Ensure your resume is up-to-date, tailor your applications to the roles you are interested in, and be prepared for interviews. We also recommend taking advantage of our resume and interview coaching services.

We are confident that this will not be the case. The employers outsource the hiring process and judge that we know exactly what they are looking for. However, if you do find that the role does not suit you after an acceptable trial period, then we will be here to discuss this with you and help you navigate any necessary conversations with your employer.

Yes, we aim to provide constructive feedback to help you improve your future applications and interview performance.

Absolutely not. Our service to you is free of charge as we believe you should have free and easy access to our professional support in order to secure the best possible job for you.

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