Kitchen Manager for Den Rytmiske Højskole in Vig

Den Rytmiske Højskole

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Ansøgningsfrist: 30-02-2025

1 - Jobopslag udløbet

We are looking for a kitchen manager for Den Rytmiske Højskole, who, in collaboration with the kitchen staff, can continue to develop our well-functioning school kitchen – and help take it to new heights. The kitchen at Den Rytmiske Højskole prepares food from scratch using good quality ingredients and takes pride in serving healthy, plant-based meals three times a day. We focus heavily on sustainability and a green kitchen with plant-based food. We have the silver certification in organic food and strive to buy as much as we can from local producers.

The kitchen is a central part of life at the school, contributing to the well-being of the students and their sense of home.
Read more about Den Rytmiske Højskole’s kitchen and watch a presentation video of the kitchen on our website:


We prioritize that you have experience with the following:

  • Staff management, with a focus on both the team as a whole and how individual employees can best utilize their skills.
  • A culinary background, e.g., trained chef or nutrition assistant, as well as experience in large kitchens, preferably from a boarding school, and experience with planning such as menu planning, shift schedules, self-checks, budgets, food costs, purchasing, etc.
  • Collaboration and coordination with other staff groups.
  • The ability to work among and with young people. The students are actively involved in the kitchen, helping to prepare meals on a daily basis. We expect you to be interested in what is relevant to young people – both in terms of culture and food.
  • You will play a key role in the ongoing development process for both the kitchen and the staff, and be responsible for implementing and developing the kitchen’s practices.
  • You are hands-on, and take pride in ensuring the kitchen always serves exciting and satisfying meals, tailored to our various target groups and dietary needs – including vegetarians and vegans.
  • You have a good sense of humor and are a guarantor for a culture of friendliness and helpfulness in the kitchen – even when things are busy.


We offer:

  • An exciting position as kitchen manager, where you will work with the kitchen staff and school leadership to shape the future development of the kitchen.
  • A values-driven workplace with wonderful colleagues, where community, the value of the individual, lifelong learning, and democratic formation guide our direction.
  • Good working hours. The position is full-time, with most working hours during weekdays in the daytime. There is also a fixed evening shift every week and occasional weekend work.
  • A new and spacious kitchen with many facilities.
  • A salary of approximately 35,000 DKK per month plus pension. Additionally, there is an annual salary adjustment according to government regulations.


For further information about the position, please contact principal Lars Gjerlufsen at [email protected] or call +45 3024 2222.


Please send your written application with relevant details as a single PDF to the school by email at [email protected] no later than Sunday, February 9th. Interviews will be held on Monday, February 19th, 2025. The position should be filled as soon as possible, no later than April 1st, 2025.

Application due: 30-02-2025
Ansøgninger er håndteret af: Den Rytmiske Højskole

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